The Patricias: the preferred nickname among soldiers actually serving in, or who have served with, the regiment.
Lopey is his preferred nickname.
Diouf's preferred nickname is the Serial Killer, both for his goal scoring and his spellbinding dribbling that draws so many fouls.
Willie rarely refers to Modesty Blaise by her name; his preferred nickname for her is "Princess".
"Sayna," he said, addressing the helm officer by her preferred nickname.
"I'm letting Emmett handle it," Lense said, using her preferred nickname for the da Vinci's Emergency Medical Hologram.
Rahul's preferred nickname was 'Pretty.'
The officer even referred to him by his preferred nickname, "D'Artagnan."
The business was soon doing well and Shankaran became well known for his party lifestyle; becoming known by his preferred nickname, Shanx.
- and it did not take long for "A3G," her preferred nickname, to develop a devoted following.