In September, a Record of Decision was issued on the preferred alignment east of Bowden.
With Goodwin's resignation, Vint's proposal became the preferred alignment.
In order to protect Cheesequake State Park and lessen the interference of private industrial land, the state chose the preferred alignment.
City Council approved Chalifoux's preferred alignment, by this time named Ray Gibbon Drive.
Any direction is equal and there is no preferred alignment!
The eastern alignment was later scrapped because of environmental, heritage and social issues along that corridor, leaving the western alignment as the only preferred alignment.
The preferred alignment and placement for four stations for the extension beyond Downsview Station to serve York University were finalized in September 2005.
A preferred alignment was selected July 1, 2010 and originally had the support of the Livermore City Council.
The report suggests the preferred alignment will closely follow the existing Northeast Corridor south of New York City.
The fissility in these rocks is caused by the preferred alignment of platy phyllosilicate grains due to compaction, deformation or new mineral growth.