However, there are constant allegations that students with political contacts get selected preferentially and many such occupants do not vacate even after completion of their studies.
In contrast, our data showed that the 185delAG mutation, affecting the amino-terminal domain of BRCA1, conferred an increased apoptotic response with no caspase pathway preferentially selected.
As remontancy is considered a desirable horticultural characteristic, it is preferentially selected for by rose hybridisers.
Further research showed that the JL1 strain was preferentially selected by propagation in Vero and chick embryo fibroblast (CEF) cell cultures.
The JL2 strain was preferentially selected by passage in embryonated chicken eggs.
The sons of Noblemen or existing officers were usually preferentially selected for positions in the officer corps as well.
Politics and the glass cliff: Evidence that women are preferentially selected to contest hard-to-win seats.
In mixed-evergreen forests of northwestern California, Northern Spotted Owls preferentially selected (P 0.005) foraging and roosting sites in mature or old-growth stands within home ranges.
However, they are unsure if Bacteroidetes prevent obesity or if these intestinal flora are merely preferentially selected by intestinal conditions in those who are not obese.
In MS-DOS, if a directory contains both a COM file and an EXE file with same name (not including extension), the COM file is preferentially selected for execution.