But revenue from PC sales will probably rise by less than 1 percent because consumers and businesses prefer less-expensive models.
However, badge engineering proved unpopular from buyers, who preferred original models to their rebadged versions, and with manufacturers themselves.
(Infielders actually prefer smaller models, which allow them to get the ball out faster.)
Many photographers preferred photographic models such as Dovima, who were not affiliated with any specific fashion house.
Due to the higher rate of fire that this allows, some shooters prefer models without this feature, such as the Ithaca 37 and Winchester Model 12.
Mrs. Bryant, a past president of the Antique Stove Association, personally prefers very old models, including those from the 18th century.
That's because the rental companies prefer mid-sized American models.
Accordingly some postmodern academics challenge cyclical models as unresponsive and unrealistic, preferring systemic and more complex models.
Taborn prefers earlier models of Fender Rhodes, for their raunchier sound.
Breitner preferred working-class models: labourers, servant girls and people from the lower class districts.