According to indigenous rights organization, Survival International, the Church's decision is extremely unusual, as it almost always prefers a policy of 'constructive engagement' to disinvesting.
At the time, Britain and France preferred a policy of appeasement.
Although he preferred a conciliatory policy, he ended up using force on several occasions, and imprisoned Mahatma Gandhi in 1922.
Toler disagreed, preferring a more liberal policy.
You may prefer a policy that pays doctors or hospitals directly rather than you having to pay on the spot and claim later.
They also prefer a pro-Soviet foreign policy.
The capitalists prefer a pro-American foreign policy and are often led by a top hat and bow tie clad entrepreneur.
Some in the army would prefer a different policy, Mr. Obradovic said.
Nor does Honda support the California bill to cut greenhouse gas emissions, preferring a federal policy to state-by-state variation in regulations.
Houston, on the other hand, preferred a more acquiescent naval policy that encouraged ships to stay close to shore, protecting ports for industry and commerce.