However, the authors believed that such a preemptive move must be guaranteed that the information was accurate.
Greenspan defended the central bank's preemptive moves to curb inflation, saying a delay in intervention would have resulted in a higher rate increase later that would stifle growth.
Greenspan defended the central bank's preemptive moves, saying a delay would have forced a higher rate increase later that would stifle economic growth.
In a preemptive move on Friday, the security police arrested Mohammed Valli, the acting general secretary of the United Democratic Front, who was involved in the defiance plans.
The first residents arrived from Kent on 31 August 1939, a preemptive move against the imminent mass evacuation.
In response, Yale students registered the domain name "" (as well as "" in a preemptive move) and posted a video detailing their efforts.
In a wise, preemptive move, Romana has scrambled the all TARDIS imprimaturs, preventing this conflict from turning into a complicated time war.
Anticipating the Cheka's displeasure with Defiant' s appearance, Vaughn made a preemptive move.
It's a preemptive move.