In Australia it is predominantly associated with the "bogan" subculture, but is prevalent throughout society.
The archaeocins produced by Sulfolobus are entirely different from halocins, since their activity is predominantly associated with the cells and not the supernatant.
The frontal cortex is predominantly associated with attentional processing, but it may also be involved in pre-attentive processing of complex and/or salient acoustic stimuli.
Today in Bolton we have seen groups of people, predominantly associated with the UAF, engaging in violent confrontation.
However, interactionism became predominantly associated with 'labelling theory' which, as we saw, tended to revert to the status of another (and suspect) positivist-type causal theory.
DLK is predominantly associated with Lasik, as the creation of a flap creates a potential space for cells to accumulate.
Emotionally, chi is predominantly associated with stubbornness, collectiveness, stability, physicality, and gravity.
He is predominantly associated with post-minimalist, drone and electronic music, exploring textural aesthetics for over half a decade.
She was predominantly associated for the most part of her career with the Government General Hospital, Chennai.
The Mount of Olives is associated predominantly with Jewish and Christian traditions but also contains several sites important in Islam.