D'amato suggests there are two predominant reasons why an increase in the availability of pornography has led to a reduction in rape.
Kidd is the predominant reason for the turnaround.
There are two predominant reasons for this.
Mr. Sarpolus said one of his polls showed that 5 percent of voters said the ballot measure was the predominant reason they voted this year.
The predominant reason for the expulsions was due to Domínguez's belief that there was "a church within a church" planning to overthrow or assassinate him.
One predominant reason was given for this low level of concern about professional development amongst arts teachers, although two very distinct responses were given.
The offensive skills were the predominant reason Roma finished fifth in the league and not worse.
The predominant reason," Dr. Schmitt says, "seems to be the availability of disposable diapers.
Therefore, in cases where the predominant reason for purchasing an all-inclusive package is to use the range of available sports facilities, the single supply is exempt.
Sailing is still the predominant reason one chooses an Aland vacation.