But, as the jarring disconnect between the environmentalists' and the developers' predictions suggests, the rules are open to different readings.
The prediction of an infinite rolling speed suggests this assumption does not hold in the final fraction of a second.
Yet it is far more typical of a technology change than the slam-bang predictions would suggest.
Upon reflection, we can only wonder if this particular prediction suggests the whole Internet craze made us a bit giddy.
The predictions suggest that "New York City faces some very difficult times with respect to local health care."
Sadly, almost all predictions suggest that voter turnout will be low, perhaps less than 50 percent.
The region has a history of major hurricanes and tropical storms, and long-range predictions suggest that this pattern will continue.
Few predictions suggest these materials could be harmful to human health; it could affect natural systems on earth.
The most optimistic predictions suggest that large-scale applications of the new materials will take years to develop.
India, with a population about two and a half times that of the European Union countries, is growing much faster than some earlier predictions suggested.