The predictions now finally matched the observations.
How we forecast our feelings, and whether those predictions match our future emotional states, had never been the stuff of laboratory research.
Mathematics statements have to be only logically true, while predictions of physics statements must match observed and experimental data.
However, especially for simple models with few parameters, theoretical predictions may not match empirical observations for higher moments.
The term might be used, for example, to describe continuing to try to adjust a theory to make its predictions match the facts.
In situations where we can measure it directly, such as binary neutron stars, its predictions match the real world with remarkable precision.
As elucidated in, the core idea of TD learning is that we adjust predictions to match other, more accurate, predictions about the future.
These predictions match previous rumors about the second-generation iPad, though another report said that the device would also be flatter and sport better speakers.
At least the empiricists change when their predictions don't match reality.
If the computer's predictions matched the cell's behavior, that would be proof that the programmers had grasped the cell's essential nature.