Are we just being unreasonable in asking why the predictions hold?
"And until that changes, the experts' predictions that prices are going to continue to fall will probably hold true."
But if the predictions of most experts here hold true, today's election is unlikely to heal the rift.
Although steel production didn't begin until 1915, predictions held that Duluth's population would rise to 200,000-300,000.
The prediction held - by 1975, integrated circuits had nearly 65,000 components.
Again Foreman's predictions hold true, and, once again, the patient almost dies.
And if pre-draft predictions hold true, he should go in the first round.
Even though it's not really a law, Moore's prediction has held true for the past three decades.
If predictions hold true, that would still exceed last year's profits of $:75 million.
Now he was curious to see how well his prediction had held.