If no team had managed to predict the last card correctly within the first three questions sudden death was played.
Many members of Parliament today predicted a new election within 12 to 18 months.
"Don't worry; it only shows up once a day, in the evening, to predict death within twenty-four hours," Rod said.
They predicted extinction within 10 years if action is not taken immediately.
We are not able to predict our business within a narrow range for each quarter.
I am willing to predict that within a decade, 75 percent or more of these wines will be sold with metal caps.
They predict usable results within five to eight years.
There had been no rain for five days, but the weather experts predicted showers within the next twenty-four hours.
Noting that Maui was a small island, police predicted the couple's capture within a few hours.
The Policy Exchange think tank predicts rates of 8 per cent within two years.