State budget officials, however, disputed the Republicans' interpretation, saying there was not yet sufficient evidence to predict long-term trends.
The company also said it was hard to predict trends among individual business travelers, because of their "shorter booking windows."
If you want to predict cultural trends in New York, one trick is to examine the needs of the real estate market.
The government report did not cite causes for the statistics or predict trends.
In the same gude Alan accurately predicted trends for the future.
Also, he could not minimize Nicholas's success in predicting trends in business.
Through ice core analysis, scientists are able to study past environments on earth and, more importantly, predict future environmental trends.
It is folly to predict long-term trends based on a few weeks of rebel activities.
In the book, Friedman attempts to predict the major geopolitical events and trends of the 21st century.
They predict trends and suggest new ways to view an uncertain future.