The school has also put particular effort into working out the most reliable way of accurately predicting A-level grades, to give all pupils the best chance of choosing their strongest subjects.
The original impetus for this innovation was the fallibility of schools in predicting grades accurately.
A participating team's algorithm must predict grades on the entire qualifying set, but they are only informed of the score for half of the data, the quiz set of 1,408,342 ratings.
A team could send as many attempts to predict grades as they wish.
Many report back that it's the best thing they've ever done, yet without fail point to the fact that they were advised against the route at school if they were predicted reasonable grades.
Research from Ucas concluded that predicted grades were only accurate in 45% of cases.
That paper cited research from the university admissions service, Ucas, which concluded that predicted grades were only accurate in 45% of cases.
It was even worse for students from the lowest socio-economic groups, with only 39% receiving accurately predicted grades.
For the student who is always fiddling with a calculator to determine his grades, 4.0Student presents "what if" scenarios to predict grades through the end of the semester.
I'm doing my A2s and am predicted good grades (ABB) but am not very happy with my top choice offer.