If you measure emotion knowledge and look at the social behavior later, we can predict social withdrawal and depression.
Aggressive humor did not predict social self-esteem or depression.
Consistent with the monoamine hypothesis, a longitudinal study uncovered a moderating effect of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene on stressful life events in predicting depression.
Negative cognitive styles and stress-reactive rumination interact to predict depression: A prospective study.
Cloninger, C. R., Svrakic, D.M., Przybeck, T.R. (2006) Can personality assessment predict future depression?
The United Nations trade and development arm predicted a "fully fledged recession" or even "outright depression" next year, similar to the 1930s.
Buffers Against Depression Having close family relations may have been a buffer against depression, since the researchers found that having had a "bleak childhood" predicted depression later in life.
In multiple regression analysis, four variables emerged predicting perception of burden to others: depression, hopelessness, level of fatigue, and current quality of life.
In a study of 321 women with newly diagnosed stage I to stage III breast cancer, the ability of the single-item Distress Thermometer to specifically predict depression, as measured by a self-report questionnaire of the nine Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) symptoms for major depressive disorder, was investigated.