"They could get $50 a pound, but they would not take a nickel more" than the predetermined price, he said.
"I'm not selling a thing that came from a warehouse for a predetermined price."
An owner of a property may sell an option for someone to buy it on or before a future date at a predetermined price.
An appointment was made for a cleaning at a predetermined price.
An exercise of warrants, where stockholders have the right to purchase additional shares in a company at predetermined prices.
Stock options give employees the future right to purchase shares at a predetermined price.
Part of the transfer agreement may give Google the option to buy the patents back at any time for a predetermined price (possibly even $1).
Here they prostituted women to sell things for a predetermined price.
Options let employees buy shares at a predetermined price and sell them at a profit.
Traded options can be used to secure a predetermined price for a security within a given period in the anticipation of a certain cash inflow.