A code transmission in conjunction with a distance measurement raises an alarm as soon as a predetermined distance between the paired devices is exceeded.
Local cues are made irrelevant (including odor trails) by rotating the entire apparatus a predetermined distance and direction after each trial.
This round ejects 152 tungsten projectiles at a predetermined distance, between 40 and 10 m, from the target.
The bull attempts to shake off the rider, who competes to keep his hold on the bull while it runs a predetermined distance.
At a predetermined distance from the da Vinci, the drone would detonate, shattering the containment unit and, of course, unleashing the black hole.
The controller will then move the piece of equipment a predetermined distance for each pulse.
Should the motorball be lost on a course, a new motorball will be released a predetermined distance from the finish line.
While Olympic archery requires shooting at fixed targets from predetermined distances, field archery is set up to mimic hunting conditions in the woods.
Flat racing is a form of Thoroughbred horse racing which is run over a level track at a predetermined distance.
The rules specify that the person has to hold on to the running bull for a predetermined distance to win the prize.