The entries in some columns are restricted to only take one of a predefined set of values.
Live telemetry data from a predefined set can also be provided alongside the activities.
The game begins with each player being spawned (starting) at random locations-picked from a fixed predefined set.
Even if a language has a predefined set of types, enforcing proper usage usually requires some context.
The path of a particular climb, or a predefined set of moves.
A self-destruct is a mechanism which causes a device to destroy itself under a predefined set of circumstances.
Administrators can choose from a predefined set of reasons or enter their own reasons.
Automated code review software checks source code for compliance with a predefined set of rules or best practices.
Such systems are geared more to analysis because they typically do not contain a predefined set of rules to check software against.
However, in most commercial systems this is limited to a predefined set of English commands.