Tester said too many servicemembers are being victimized by financial schemes that range from predatory loans to fee manipulation.
Earlier this month, Illinois legislators approved new restrictions on predatory loans.
The bill would prohibit companies that issue predatory loans or buy them on the resale market from doing business with the city.
We demand forgiveness on the predatory loans made under those laws, and a cessation of all foreclosures connected to predatory lending.
"I believe he could present this as a predatory loan," Mr. Moskowitz said, but the borrower has been unwilling to do so.
But the state banking department has said that the regulations reduced predatory loans but kept high-cost loans available.
For example, the Council approved a measure last year that prohibits financial institutions that issue predatory loans from doing business with the city.
Lost jobs, divorces and predatory loans have all played roles, he said.
As a result many of these people were getting bad services, which introduced them to predatory loans.
The website discusses how to avoid predatory loans and take action to stop predatory lending.