Adult bears are generally immune from predatory attacks from anything other than another bear.
Rarely, bears can also kill coyotes, more likely in competitive rather than predatory attacks.
Occasionally, predatory attacks by orca pods have also been recorded.
These predatory attacks occur at the golden lion tamarin sleeping sites.
Due to the size and power of the tiger, few humans survive when a predatory attack is carried out.
Due to high risk of predatory attacks, dolphins often avoid regions inhabited by tiger sharks.
The seals swim on the surface and the great white sharks launch their predatory attack from the deeper water below.
Given their power, size, and speed, survival of a direct predatory attack is unlikely if the crocodile is able to make contact.
Black bears have been known to engage in rare predatory attacks on humans.
Helpful to the end, it advises that individuals subjected to predatory attack "fight back vigorously."