Clearly all of them are a jungle where predators lurk.
Hawk held the prod ready to use in front of him and himself in the center of the street, away from places where predators might lurk.
If any monstrous predator lurked out there in the shadows, the smell of her cooking would certainly lure it out of hiding.
Cordelia deduced from their wary herd behavior that associated predators must lurk nearby.
It was contrary to the interest of the Spring to have predators lurk here, so no hunting or fighting was permitted.
Hungry predators lurk in ambush or patrol every part of the reef, night and day.
But the predator was lurking, and would catch her the moment she departed that Mode.
Let our velocity carry us beyond the danger zone, the dark matter zone where predators lurk.
If predators lurk, they need to act quickly.
Sexual predators lurk in the background.