Penrod watched it out of sight, longing to see the knife-winged silhouette of one of the desert Saker falcons towering above it, then beginning the deadly stoop, but no predator appeared and the pigeon vanished.
The top predators of this Formation appear to be Dakosaurus and G. giganteus, which were large, short-snouted species with serrated teeth.
A fearsome-looking predator appears to be lurking deep beneath the Earth's surface, a worm-like animal that feasts on victims roughly a kilometer down.
There are relatively few predators like Chain Pickerel and Largemouth Bass, and adult fish "appear to have good growth rates but poor reproductive success".
One by one, the raptors in the grass raised their heads, making their positions known, As each new predator appeared, the triceratops barked loudly.
Other predators appeared, including the two smaller dinosaurs that had visited the beach before.
In regards to the second condition, additional predators do appear to disrupt predation events, increasing the probability that the sender will escape.
As if conjured by Ms. Ryder and Mr. Rubin, a saturnine predator suddenly appeared in the form of the autograph collector who had accosted Mr. Grant outside.
The predators of this martin appear to be little studied, but are presumably similar to those of the Common House Martin, namely fast flying falcons such as Oriental Hobby which can chase down their prey in flight.
Opportunistic predators such as jack and barracuda also appear, waiting for their prey to venture out.