Peptide autoinducers usually result from posttranslational modification of a larger precursor molecule.
According to Ricky the E. coli bacteria were only used to manufacture precursor molecules.
Do these processes give clues as to how precursor molecules led to life on Earth?
The key is to design a selective reaction between the inorganic precursor molecules and one of the components in the block copolymer.
The heated organic precursor molecules decompose in the absence of oxygen - pyrolysis.
It is a precursor molecule to the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine which serves a wide range of functions including motor control and memory.
DOC is a precursor molecule for the production of aldosterone.
Some of the efforts are truly synthetic but in others a precursor molecule found in nature is included.
Within cells, cholesterol is the precursor molecule in several biochemical pathways.
The Grignard reaction is an important means of preparing organic compounds from smaller precursor molecules.