One view is that insider research calls for the free-ranging exploration of what goes on in the classroom without the constraint of any preconceived theory.
He writes: "[Ulloa] penetrates the great labyrinth of Columbus court documents to gather arguments in favor of his preconceived theory.
Works of this nature are usually marked by the renunciation of well-established theories on the basis of limited evidence and the interpretation of evidence with a preconceived theory in mind.
The summary saves its harshest criticism for the majority report of the committees, which it describes as "an advocate's legal brief that arrays and selects so-called 'facts' to fit preconceived theories."
In the speech Ben-Gurion repeatedly stressed that the building of the land had been achieved "without any preconceived theory".
Epistemologically Siirala stresses that therapist must keep all possibilities open, and not hang on to some preconceived theory like the oedipal theory of psychoanalysis.
The narrative is not a fair description of events, but an advocate's legal brief that arrays and selects so-called "facts" to fit preconceived theories.
However, he tries to ignore any latent preconceived specific theory or a fixed toolkit of methods.
In the later 17th century, the antiquary John Aubrey used the metaphor in a more pejorative sense, implying the distortion of evidence to fit a preconceived theory.
Its examination of ethics doesn't start with a preconceived theory, but rather investigates observations of actual choices made by moral agents in practice.