They particularly despised the well-funded 'Angry Penguins' and were jealous of Harris's precocious success.
His precocious success there caused traders to label him the "Boy Plunger," a nickname that stuck long after his sleek blond hair was frosted with gray.
Born in El Dorado, Kan., he had precocious success in the cartoon field before being drafted into the army in 1943, leaving four years later as a first lieutenant.
It is not, however, nearly as large as it might be, given his precocious success.
Such precocious success is rarely a coincidence in men's tennis.
McAuley and Stewart loved early Modernist poets but despise later modernism and especially the well-funded Angry Penguins and are jealous of Harris's precocious success.
Gina's precocious success at the Mayor's Cup had her weighing a professional career before college.
They particularly despised the well-funded modernist poetry magazine Angry Penguins and were resentful of the precocious success of Max Harris, the magazine's founder and editor.
She first tried New York when she was 18 because she realized that despite her precocious success, she lacked training and needed to learn from more experienced chefs.
Early-childhood educators are under pressure to teach the three R's ever sooner, often at age 3 or 4, and some parents like to boast about their children's precocious academic success.