In both works the individual strands were precisely rendered and the music's textures were perfectly transparent.
The farmhouse interior and its furnishings are precisely rendered.
They are precisely rendered but often erased, then drawn over with graceless, pressured deliberation.
The question of administration has been rendered infinitely more difficult precisely because we have such breadth of choice.
There's a supernal power to the painting, partly engendered by the celestial light that floods the precisely rendered scene.
While his precisely rendered images are representative, his compositional complexity suggests that there is always more there than meets the eye.
Aša "cannot be precisely rendered by some single word in another tongue," but may be summarized as follows:
Some of his paintings are so precisely rendered that they look as if they could fly or jump right out of their frames.
Master of Beauty The figures, precisely rendered, have a porcelainlike quality.
Ms. Desai, the mother, is a prolific writer of economical, precisely rendered prose.