To draw a precise parallel with the walkway to East River Park would be misleading.
Several film reviewers drew precise parallels between the film and certain superhero comic books, like Powers, Watchmen, and Fantastic Four.
"The situations certainly aren't precise parallels, but both of us have experienced major changes in government," High Ridge pointed out with oily calm.
I will give a precise parallel to the case of confusion of sticks and umbrellas, a parallel from a perpetually reiterated suggestion of reform.
Similarly, the precise parallel to those terms, "Chineseman" is not considered offensive.
Compare the precise parallel in the Zohar: "The Head which is above all heads; the Head which is "not" a Head.
In fact, he realized with a sinking sensation, his situation was a precise parallel with Duncan's: a penniless man without property, marrying a rich-or potentially rich-woman.
Rev. Abraham Tucker pointed out that "While there are in the Narnia tales many clear parallels with Biblical events, they are far from precise, one-on-one parallels.
There are some precedents, though not precise parallels.
It was a highly artificial construct with no precise parallel in any other health care system, and predictions about its performance were hard to make.