A precise mapping of every object could help investigators reassemble the plane and determine what happened.
In 1902, Captain Saconney was successful in creating a kite system which was capable of carrying a camera that allowed the establishment of a precise mapping.
The data gave precise three-dimensional mapping of land topography each missile should follow by using its built-in look-down radar.
In monkeys intoxicated by MPTP, striatal stimulations lead to a large convergence on pallidal neurons and a less precise mapping.
More precise mapping should also resolve whether the voids are closed spheres or, as some believe, interconnected in spongelike manner.
The precise mapping from to is not known.
From 1950 to 1954 the Wing's task was to perform strategic reconnaissance, charting photography, precise electronic geodetic mapping, and electronic reconnaissance missions.
The new guidance from Mr. Dombeck includes a call for more precise mapping.
Hedin's expedition notes laid the foundations for a precise mapping of Central Asia.
"Their contours can, with precise mapping, be used to navigate temporal jumps."