Inside Randy's computer is a precise clock.
Considered the world's most precise clock, it offers more than twice the precision of the original, neither gaining nor losing one second in 3.7 billion years.
This information is only retrievable because nature has provided an extremely precise clock on one star, namely the pulsar itself.
Nowhere in the world will you get a more accurate time check because, at the heart of GPS, are the most precise clocks known to man.
These were used on some of the most precise clocks known.
Uses precise clocks that do not limit the distance a tower can cover.
Even so, using extraordinarily precise atomic clocks, scientists have repeatedly confirmed that it happens just as Einstein predicted.
He also wrote treatises on technology, such as the one dealing with the construction of precise clocks.
Considered the world's most precise clock, it offers more than twice the precision of the original.
They are the most precise clocks in the world.