For the first time she seemed to recognize that he must be a total stranger to this locality, but in accepting him as such, she was promptly puzzled regarding his frantic and almost precipitous arrival from the hill road.
Leopol had pointed this new rider out to him the other day and related the circumstances of her precipitous arrival at the Hatching.
Placed just below the window of Wendyke's private office, the car had broken the force of Su Yeng's precipitous arrival, and was serving its other purpose of carrying him away!
Without doubt, the loyal priest would be dutifully reciting prayers for the dead man in his care; but Duncan's precipitous arrival with Arilan would necessitate yet another tampering with the poor fellow's memory.
Silvina brandished Piemur's begreased boot at Dirzan, backing the astonished journeyman against the wall, oblivious to Master Robinton's repeated query about Piemur's condition, to Menolly's precipitous arrival, her face flushed and furrowed with anxiety, and to Rokayas' delighted and amused observation.
Just as Daffyd recognized Ruth Horvath, he also identified the combined emotions of shame at her precipitous arrival into a distinguished champion of the Talented, regret for her impulsiveness in coming to the Tower at this hour, and the underlying hope and apprehension that had compelled her to come.
Her precipitous arrival in the cart unavoidably startled the previously carefree crowd packing the street.
He was interrupted then by the precipitous arrival of a small, dark-haired whirlwind who fetched up against his legs, laughing.
He took Flavia's arm to steady her precipitous arrival.