They're leaning very close to her, as if she's no murderess, but a precious treasure to be kept safe.
God is a most precious treasure; realize its proper value.
Unable to say more, he pulled the statue back to his chest as if it were the most precious treasure in the world.
I had kept it as a precious treasure at the bottom of my flask.
Though for all its splendor, it wasn't the box that she loved, but rather the precious treasure hidden within.
"We've wasted a lot of our most precious treasure, which is American lives, over there."
His gaze was drawn to the open box again, and all those tiny, precious treasures.
These plays are classified as precious treasures of the nation's "popular theatre".
I only wish he'd lived long enough to see what happened to his precious treasure.
Genuinely appreciate your life as the most precious treasure and take good care of it.