Of course I could arrange these precious scraps of life to stand on their own artistically.
This film is lost - only three minutes remain, a precious scrap to be screened at Film Forum through the courtesy of a private collector.
Local prospectors picked up the precious scraps, which found their way into Guatemalan jewelry shops and, eventually, the hands of astonished scientists.
The big kids won't let them look at the precious scraps of burnt paper they've collected in Ziploc bags.
Maria Garavelli looked at the bright rectangle of silk lying on her duckboards and bent down and rescued the precious scrap before it got wet.
To anyone who scrounged for precious scraps of information during the dark ages in this field 20 years ago, Musica Russica must seem a godsend.
A year later, for many ticket holders, finding those precious scraps of paper is turning out to be a challenge.
Though she'd carefully marked the place, she knew that even without the precious scrap of ribbon she used to mark it she'd have no trouble finding it again.
It began with hunting in the 1930's, when many refuge managers were encouraged to manipulate their precious scraps of habitat mainly to benefit waterfowl and other game animals.
Those precious scraps of paper, the backs of envelopes and hand-bills are now in museums.