Do you feel the waters of Urd, precious fruit?
The olive tree and olive oil are mentioned seven times in the Quran, and the olive is praised as a precious fruit.
Every morning he checked the progress of the precious fruit, and then one day he discovered that some of the ears were missing.
The sight of her making the blubbering warrior scoop up the now doubly precious fruit gave Vale the steadying he needed.
But tell me, how can the teachings of Gotama disclose to us its most precious fruit before we have even heard him?
Mustering his words like precious fruit from a paradisiacal tree, Mr. Jenulevich gasped, "Art makes me feel whole."
So Cap'n Bill gathered six of the purple berries and with their precious fruit they returned to the shed to big good-bye to Pessim.
The vehicle in question is a dark blue, four-door Mazda 626, precious fruit of the 1986 vintage.
Breathe over my garden and scatter its fragrance, welcome my Beloved and let him taste its precious fruits.'