No one is more aware of his precarious status than he is.
Such was the precarious status of Jewish settlers in the Philippines.
Originally protected by the powerful Báthorys, they continued to have a precarious status in Transylvania.
It has been noted that the precarious financial status of those in poverty may preclude an extensive litigation process, despite the decision in Goldberg.
He regrets that, given the Empty Vessel's own precarious status, he will not be able to open his installation to the public.
This bill is critical to improving the precarious legal status of some one million tax-paying, long-term United States residents.
The school has a failed academic record, precarious financial status and enrollment of fewer than a dozen students, despite having a reported total of 100 rooms.
With a view to the precarious status of some related Taxa in Europe they warn the future to more detailed studies.
Their precarious status and the fact that they often fall within the informal sector are also very important issues.
Overfishing is considered the primary cause for the precarious status of the fish.