They preached twice every Sunday, and established day and night schools, his wife teaching the girls.
Zwingli assumed the main burden of defending the Reformation and he preached twice in the Münster.
Initially he preached twice on Sunday and three times during the week.
However, in October 1549, he was again required to preach twice on Sundays and, in addition, every weekday of alternate weeks.
He knew that this minister was a thoroughly good man, and he had even gone to hear him preach once or twice.
In 1794 he preached twice before troops on their way to suppress the whiskey insurrection, and in 1799 delivered a eulogy of Washington.
He was expected to preach twice on Sundays and at the popular Thursday lunchtime services.
He was able to preach twice for his son, who congratulated him on the power of his voice, and other encouraging signs of strength.
He would remain there for 17 months, preaching twice weekly on Sunday Mmorning and evening.
He preached twice on Sunday, and often on week days, praying seven times daily, fasting and travelling frequently.