He has been credited as having convinced Abdullah Azzam to abandon his life and devote himself to preaching jihad at this time.
Mullahs in local mosques in northern Helmand have begun openly preaching jihad against Americans and the Afghan government, they said.
There were also notes referring to the "American foreign minister" and audiotapes preaching jihad.
Faraj, an engaging speaker, recruited individuals who heard him preach jihad in mosques.
The huge television screen used as the backdrop then lights up with a videotaped suicide note from the would-be assassin preaching jihad.
Saudi Arabia has a troubled history with preaching jihad, which was officially sanctioned against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980's.
Mosque members and United States officials said Mr. Khalil, the imam, had been preaching jihad for the past month.
Around the same time, the British reported that documents preaching jihad against the Europeans had been posted in the Harar marketplace.
Since the government began cracking down on imams who preach violent jihad against the West, many mosques have posted signs that expressly forbid political discussion inside.
The agents found three other men, along with false identifications, notes about a military base in Turkey and tapes that preached jihad.