He preached discipline and composure, but through their four-game losing streak, the Giants - and Coughlin - have been anything but poised.
Many people feel the Government has preached patience and discipline to the public while reveling in the new comforts of power.
Mr. Sloan is preaching discipline.
She sent me to church and made me study She preached diligence and discipline.
The Giants have a coach, Tom Coughlin, who preaches discipline.
Then, while preaching fiscal discipline, they passed a bloated emergency spending bill that tapped the surplus for pork-barrel spending that they say they deplore.
Senator Dole, who has spent a political lifetime preaching fiscal discipline, could do little but march along every painful step of the way.
Coach Jacques Lemaire has always preached discipline to the Devils.
We cannot go on having economic guidelines which preach budgetary discipline and at the same time guidelines on employment which are subordinate to them.
The Jazz veterans, as usual, were preaching discipline and composure.