The pre-war numbers show a Serb majority.
In the 1950s, a community numbering some 800 persons (no more than 7% of the pre-war number) revitalises Jewish life again.
After several peaceful years tourists again began to visit Abkhazia, however their number is only about a half of the pre-war number.
By 1941, the number of children attending elementary school in the General Government was half of the pre-war number.
Although sheep numbers in Sussex have now risen to nearly pre-war numbers, comparatively few are to be found on permanent downland pasture.
Euren restored the band's pre-war numbers and worked toward expanding its persona beyond its military role.
In 1959 the city's population reached pre-war numbers again.
The return of the SOC faithful also started, but they are not nearly close to their pre-war numbers, as of 2004.
By the early 1950s, it nevertheless had stabilised at a level four times higher than the pre-war number.
Out of 219,534 officially registered voters, 97.7% voted in support on a 87.6% turnout which was 58.5% of the pre-war number of voters.