Many people think they are abandoned pre-war buildings but each of them is still a home to local elders.
The friend would have rigged up a hammock, too, had the beams of his pre-war building held the screws.
The house was, originally, like the vast majority of pre-war buildings a rental.
In the town centre, rows of well preserved pre-war commercial buildings still dominate the town's architecture.
However, pre-war buildings and research facilities were not restored until the late 1950s.
"This made us think it would be equivalent to a pre-war building."
Many of the staff rooms in pre-war buildings, however, have been converted to other uses.
Since the repeal of the rent controls in 2000, many pre-war buildings have given way to new high rises.
The survived pre-war buildings and park zones were incorporated into the architectural ensemble.
None of the original pre-war buildings remain as they were demolished to construct the base.