They range in age from the sickly newborn on her back to a pre-teenage girl who looks far younger than her years.
In the afternoon, teenage and pre-teenage girls accompanied by their parents packed the store.
She starred as Felicity 'Fliss' Sidebotham in The Sleepover Club, a children's television show about five pre-teenage girls.
Dozens of companies have introduced electronic note passers and personal organizers meant to appeal to pre-teenage girls.
"Look .... "Ariel fell silent until a chattering cluster of pre-teenage girls had passed, not even noticing them.
When the books were first published, Nancy was 16, just old enough to drive, but still young enough for pre-teenage girls to identify with.
A toy maker plans to open in a prime area of Midtown a five-story store carrying mainly expensive dolls for pre-teenage girls.
Servaes caught the gift, sensing instantly the human's sickly penchant for young pre-teenage girls.
In the UK it is included in the national vaccination programme for teenage and pre-teenage girls aged 12-13 and 17-18.
"Grosse Pointe" has a terrible time period, sandwiched between "Sabrina" and "Popular," two shows aimed at pre-teenage girls, probably not the largest audience for show-biz satire.