The basic plot centers around a pre-teen boy who stows away on an Apollo mission to the moon.
At a trial in December, three pre-teen boys were found guilty of starting the fire and given 12-month supervision orders.
Under school supervision, a group of pre-teen boys and girls are busy picking hops.
He has also spoken frequently with his former partner about a homicide investigation involving three pre-teen boys in the late 1980s.
Bumblebee takes the form of a dark-skinned pre-teen boy.
He is a basic pre-teen boy who gets instruction on making wise choices from and his parents and from Clint, among others.
As a father of two pre-teen boys, I have in the last year or so become a huge fan of the word "duh."
On her way home, Carrie is accosted by a pre-teen boy on a bicycle.
He is a pre-teen boy (stated to be eight years old in the pilot episode) who is almost always seen wearing a striped T-shirt and shorts.