These households could not find adequate and suitable housing without spending 30 percent or more of their pre-tax income.
Unemployment benefits on average rose in line with pre-tax incomes during the sixties.
The inequality trend for pre-tax income during this period was much more dramatic.
Together, these monetary awards compare to approximately $200,000 of pre-tax income.
The figures showed that in 1989 the pre-tax incomes for the top 1 percent of American families fell by about $57,000 - to $560,000 from $617,000.
With regard to financial services, the company's loan portfolio has been reduced, resulting in a pre-tax income of $5.2 million.
At that point, consumers will wind up with less pre-tax income to spend.
Some states (such as California) automatically garnish up to 50% of pre-tax income to pay child support arrears.
As of 2008 Q1 this segment has reported an annual increase of 12 percent in the pre-tax income.
With two children, that amounts to a fifth of pre-tax income.