In connection with this divestiture the company recognized a pre-tax gain of about $2.6 million.
The company said the total pre-tax gain on the sale was $11,739,000.
It said the pre-tax gain on the sale of the Japanese subsidiary's stock amounted to $71.8 million.
The year-ago 9 months' net from operations included a pre-tax gain on security sales of $426,000.
The latest year net from continuing operations included a pre-tax gain on the sale of real estate of $124,000.
Stud Mill resulting in a pre-tax gain of approximately $2 million.
The latest 9 months' results also included a pre-tax gain of $9,500 from the sale of securities.
The company said year-ago quarter results included a pre-tax $6 million gain from termination of its pension plan.
The 6 months figures reflect the second quarter pre-tax gains on sale of real estate.
Results for year-ago 9 months included pre-tax gain of $6.2 million from the sale of four businesses.