The rest, she said, are either uncertified or have alternative certification, which is easier to obtain because it does not require as much pre-service training.
In 1991, a pre-service training for the 'would be' missionaries was instituted, and has become a one year course, which each missionary of the Church has to go through.
Every new teacher hired goes through four-weeks of extensive pre-service training before being permitted to teach at a TCF school.
Whatever the pressure on pre-service training, some willingness to address these issues at in-service level had been expected, and was not apparent.
As far as pre-service training within adult education is concerned, however, the mother tongue speaker will find it very hard to find a suitable course in his/her area.
By offering pre-service training we can surely do no worse than act as honest brokers in a fairly honourable profession.
SHAPE has also been introduced in pre-service training in teacher training colleges.
After successfully completing pre-service training, Fellows are eligible to secure a full-time teaching position at a NYC public school.
When there is a shortage, there is also a diminution of quality, making pre-service training much more important.
Participants in the program receive intensive pre-service training during the first summer, for which they receive a stipend and tuition waiver.