This summer, his pre-sentencing hearings were postponed because psychiatrists told the court that he was suffering from post-traumatic stress.
Dupas was found guilty of the murder of Mersina Halvagis on 9 August 2007 and appeared for a pre-sentencing hearing eight days later.
That question resounded throughout the former financier's pre-sentencing hearing, in which the prosecution and defense both indicated last week that they had called all of their witnesses.
Taking the Fifth Amendment That set the scene for the pre-sentencing hearing.
By failing to appear for the pre-sentencing hearing in June 1980, he forfeited $250,000 in bail.
The Storer allegations are the second matter to be heard in Mr. Milken's pre-sentencing hearing.
The pre-sentencing hearing was ordered earlier this month by Judge Wood in her effort to learn more about Mr. Milken, who is 44 years old.
He remembered how the prick had testified at the pre-sentencing hearing.
Mr. Grassgreen, the former president of Kinder-Care, testified against Mr. Milken at his pre-sentencing hearing last fall.
He could face life in prison when two days of pre-sentencing hearings conclude Tuesday.