They completed 334 pre-sentence reports, which included doing an entire social study on each case.
He was granted unconditional bail until January 15 to allow a pre-sentence report to be prepared.
London Probation Trust prepares 34,000 pre-sentence reports for the courts every year.
The caseload total at anyone time is approximately 4,500 offenders, and the trust writes over 3,900 pre-sentence reports each year for the court.
However, he was encouraged by a pre-sentence report which indicated the teenager had 'grown up' since last April's attack.
He's asked for pre-sentence reports and the case was adjourned until February 9th.
Short reports can be prepared on the day, otherwise the usual time for obtaining a pre-sentence report is three weeks.
These pre-sentence reports are a time-consuming chore, and often superfluous.
Griffiths was bailed until July 24 for pre-sentence reports to be prepared.
Two of my clients were sentenced to longer terms than those recommended in the pre-sentence report.