Private, or free elementary, schools catered to 12.9% of students in 2004/05 of basic school age (including the pre-school class and the voluntary 10th form).
At least not the storybooks she would read to the pre-school classes she taught lovingly at a Long Island community center.
Some parents in the 2-year-old pre-school class attended by her son Colin are already talking about holding their children back a year, she said.
Crammed into the simple premises a wide variety of activities takes place, not just the pre-school classes in the morning.
In almost all cantons, the municipalities are obliged to provide pre-school classes.
There is no educational plan for the activities in pre-school classes, but school authorities may propose guidelines for the content of the activities.
In 1995, the entire school became co-ed and the pre-school classes were opened.
It opened in June 2002 with pre-school classes (nursery, kindergarten, and preparatory levels).
Between 1987 and 1988, a new floor was added to make rooms for the pre-school classes.
The Folkeskole consists of a voluntary pre-school class, the 9-year obligatory course and a voluntary 10th year.