Tape can also be joined to form endless loops that continually play repeated patterns of pre-recorded material.
The station was only allowed to broadcast from 5pm until 7pm Monday through Thursday playing "study music" and pre-recorded educational materials.
Sounds used include those from instruments, voices, and pre-recorded material.
After his death, the group continued concerts for some time, using pre-recorded material for Magik's vocals.
The station operates live from 10am-10pm every Monday-Friday with pre-recorded material outside those hours and on weekends.
Compact disk players can only play pre-recorded material.
As technology for sound recording improved, an increasing proportion of broadcast programming used pre-recorded material.
During the remaining hours it was off air, it showed pre-recorded material.
This was achieved by having two editions per week instead of three during the summer months, and using pre-recorded material.
Most of the score was made up of pre-recorded material that Denison would match to a particular scene.