"This is a pre-emptive measure," he said, maintaining that the ban should help protect Chesapeake Bay.
So he has taken what he called "pre-emptive measures" to limit the discomfort.
"It is a pre-emptive measure to make sure that a handful of judges, in a single state, cannot impose a radical social agenda upon the entire nation."
Like prior statements, the company said the block is meant as a pre-emptive measure against spammers.
Having validated the coup rumors and considering the troop movements, the Government took a number of pre-emptive measures.
He described the increase as a "pre-emptive measure" to cool the economy and halt growing inflationary pressures.
Of the report's 60 recommendations, the most far-reaching was its call on the US administration to support pre-emptive military measures against terrorist targets.
As the violence goes unabated, the police say they will take pre-emptive measures to thwart it.
"We're taking a pre-emptive measure to stay in good financial shape," she said yesterday.
This explained that "The Satanic Verses" had been banned as a pre-emptive measure.