Stars, yes stars, in the pre-dawn sky.
Varmous aroused the caravan at an early hour, while the pre-dawn sky still glowed purple.
Pickens went along there, opening the doors on the right, seeing a line of small square offices with windows looking out at a blue gray pre-dawn sky.
For a moment he was outlined against the grey pre-dawn sky, and then he vanished.
The eyewitness saw the space shuttle cross the pre-dawn sky, as well as a bright flash in the contrail.
At the last instant, he jerked his weapon upward, and the bolt whizzed up towards the pre-dawn sky.
The traveler watched her go; then sat turning this way and that, looking ever out the tiny window at the pre-dawn sky.
The blast on Sunday sent black smoke billowing into the pre-dawn sky and shattered windows of neighboring houses.
Guiding her small plane into the pre-dawn sky, Ms. Sanders checks in with the studio.
On May 6, 2013 there will be a 10% waning crescent moon in the pre-dawn sky.